Whether self-isolating or social distancing, there are still ways that you can help the Jersey Bat Group study both Jersey’s bats and also threats to Jersey’s bat populations such as light pollution
You can help us with the Great Garden Bat Watch! For this activity all we ask you to do is to go into your garden, or local park or other outside areas across the Island as the coronavirus restrictions allow and look for bats! Please see survey instructions below (1)
You can also take part in a Sunset/Sunrise survey for the Bat Conservation Trust. This survey looking for bat roosts (bats emerging from buildings, trees etc). Data recorded in this survey is shared with the Jersey Biodiversity Centre and so can be used for research on Jersey’s bats! Please see survey instructions below (2)
In 2016 more than 80% of the world population and more than 99% of the U.S. and European population live under light-polluted skies. Light pollution has a major impact on many species, including bats. You can see the work map of light pollution here. More on light pollution below (3)
(1) Great Garden Bat Watch
As well as our ongoing research into local bats, which includes checking static bat detectors, checking bat boxes for occupancy, undertaking surveys of bats emerging from roosts and walking transects with a bat detector amongst many other things – you can also help us with citizen science surveys.
You can undertake this survey just the once, or as often as you like. You just need to make sure you are outside at least 20 minutes before sunset and watch the skies until at least 40 minutes after sunset. To find current sunset times please follow this link: Jersey sunset and sunrise
You do not need a bat detector as we are not asking you to identify bat species, all you need to note down is:
- The time you saw the first bat
- The direction the bat flew from
- Details of the Recorder, Date and Location
You can either enter the details on this handy online data entry form, or email your findings to enquiries@jerseybatgroup.org
(2) Sunset/Sunrise Survey
The Jersey Bat Group is encouraging all people in Jersey to get involved with the Bat Conservation Trust Sunset/Sunrise Survey
We are looking for bat roosts (bats emerging from buildings, trees etc), bat activity in the Island and generally ‘all things batty!’
The Bat Conservation Trust have useful guidance and recording software specifically for this task that we would encourage you to use. If you have any question or would rather submit your bat sightings in another format then please email us
Keen to get involved in BCT bat monitoring?
This survey is ideal for you if you don’t have previous bat surveying experience. It is also a perfect opportunity to use your social isolation and exercise/social distancing time wisely! You can discover bats and other wildlife in your local area. Simply head outside at dusk or before dawn, or both!
To find current sunset times please follow this link: Jersey sunset and sunrise. Spend an hour in your garden or walking around your local area – if possible – and look out for bats.
- You can carry out your survey anytime from April to September.
- You will need: Survey form, pencil/pen, torch, watch.
- If you are doing your survey in the evening start at sunset.
- If you are doing your survey at dawn start one hour before sunrise.
- Spend an hour looking for bats and any other nocturnal animals you can see or hear.
Download the BCT instructions and recording form here: Instructions and form
Enter your data online here: Enter online
Please note that this data is shared with the Jersey Biodiversity Centre directly so there would be no need to submit this data separately. This means that all your data can be used in local environmental decision making to protect habitats, roosts and bats of course!
The Bat Conservation Trust have some useful guidance and videos available to explain what you are looking for: Please view BCT guidance
The three main things to look out for:
1. Bats in flight
2. Bats emerging from a roost at dusk
3. Bats swarming around a roost before dawn
(3) Light Pollution
You can record light pollution as part of a research project using Dark Sky Meter. Please note that this is a third party website and app with no affiliation to the Jersey Bat Group, and that the app is not free. The app costs £1.99.
- The app (iPhone only) uses the camera to collect light at night.
- The aim is to provide a cheap alternative to expensive light meters.
- When you submit your measurements the data is used for scientific research into light pollution in your area
You could also take part in the CPRE annual star count, with the next count taking place in 2021. You can find the results of the 2019 and 2020 star count on the CPRE website.
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