If you have children to look after or home school and would like some ideas for things to do then the Bat Conservation Trust website is a great place to be inspired!
But first, maybe play our Hugh the Bat Video to see how much both you and your children already know about the bats in Jersey!
As part of the Jersey Bat Project our partners produced a number of presentations, lesson plans, activities and worksheets that complement the Jersey primary school science curriculum in Years 3 and 4.

Please go to our special Jersey Curriculum: Bats! page to access all of these resources: Jersey Curriculum: Bats!
BCT have lots of fun craft activities for all ages including making a flapping bat, making long-eared bat finger puppet or making and colouring in your own bat mask! Click on the following link to access these activities: BCT fun and craft activities
For older children you could adapt the quiz idea and see if they can use facts from the website or from our following bat facts to create their own quiz: BCT about bats

If you want to hear what different bats sound like with a bat detector then go to the following page and click on the individual sound files: BCT UK Bats
If you would like to see some stunning photos of bat then please visit the BCT photo library: BCT photo library
For those home schooling then there is UK curriculum led learning involving bats which can be found here: BCT bat conservation UK Curriculum
Further fun ideas can be found on the Bat Conservation International site, a bat based charity based in the USA. BCI Kitz Cave where you can download pictures to colour, more masks to make and also look at bat recipes.
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