Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th June, 20:55 until 22:00
Please join the Jersey Bat Group for the second Great Garden Bat Watch!
This event combines the joy of (hopefully!) watching bats with citizen science based research that can help us better understand bats across Jersey.
We are particularly keen to receive sightings of bats from St Helier and other urban areas around the Island to help us with our research into Jersey’s urban bat populations.
We are asking if you could look for bats on the 6th and 7th June, but please do feel free to use the form to submit your bat sightings throughout the summer!
However: If you are undertaking your bat watch and submitting the form on dates other than the 6th and 7th June then please go to https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/uk/saint-helier and ensure you are outside looking for bats at least 15 minutes before sunset and keep looking until 1 hour after sunset!
That way you will ensure you spot the first bats…though it may mean you wait up to 30 minutes before seeing your first bat.
We are asking you to go into your garden, or to an open space near your house or really anywhere in the Island to look for bats.
We ask that you do this whilst maintaining social distancing and by following any other requirements of the Government of Jersey safe exit framework.
- Main event: Saturday 6th or Sunday 7th June (or both!)
- Where: Any outside space (garden, park, lane, beach)
- What time: From 20:55 until 22.00
You do not need a bat detector as we are not asking you to identify bat species, all you need to note down is:
- The time you saw the first bat
- The direction the bat flew from
- Details of the Recorder, Date and Location
We are working in conjunction with the Jersey Biodiversity Centre who have designed a bespoke data entry form for you to enter your sightings the link to the form can be found here:
Great Garden Bat Watch Data Entry Form
If you manage to take any photos or videos of bats in flight during the Great Garden Bat watch then please post them in comments box for this event on our Facebook page or email them to us at the Jersey Bat Group
We look forward to receiving news of your local bats!
For any further details about the bat watch or to submit your data by email then please email the Jersey Bat Group

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