Species | Status 2003 | |
Greater Horseshoe | Rhinoloplus ferrumequinum | Last record 1959 |
Natterer’s bat | Myotis nattereri | Uncommon resident |
Grey long-eared | Plecotus austriacus | Relatively common resident |
Brown long-eared | Plecotus auritus | Two individuals recorded 2002 and 2003 |
Pipistrelle sp. | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Very common resident |
Pipistrellus pygmaeus | Relatively common resident | |
Nathusius’ pipistrelle | Pipistrellus nathusii | Relatively common resident |
Kuhl’s pipistrelle | Pipistrellus kuhli | Uncommon resident |
Serotine | Eptesicus serotinus | Unknown, believed uncommon resident |
Leisler’s bat | Nyctalus leisleri | One male individual recorded 20 May 2002. Believed to be a vagrant. |
The most recent island-wide survey, The Jersey Bat Survey, was carried out by Louise Magris of the States of Jersey Environment Department, dated October 2003.
In 2013 the Bat group discovered a Serotine roost which consisted of one or more Serotine bats in St Mary’s church. Many hours were spent recording the emergence and return of a single Serotine bat on the south side of the church. This bat was visible on several occasions just before dusk and due to size and colour was suspected to be a Serotine. Ecolocation recording confirmed that the bat was most likely a Serotine and lastly, we were able to analyse its droppings for the final confirmation.
Also in 2013 whilst Orly Razgour, Phd graduate from Bristol University, was over in Jersey surveying for Grey long-eared bats she discovered a Greater Horseshoe call on one of her recordings. The echolocation call of the Horseshoe bat is very distinctive and cannot be confused with other bats. We hope to locate another Horseshoe bat in 2014.